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Coffee Company Tried And Failed To Use My Credit Card To Buy $850 Worth Of Concert Tickets.

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Alright, so about two months ago, my mom found some California-based company (I'm in Texas) on TikTok that sold "mushroom coffee" that they swore could help you lose weight and help with your digestion and all that other snake oil BS, except they were NOT selling the coffee but a subscription to the coffee every month. My mom really, really wanted to try it, so I decided to be a smartass and made a virtual credit card with a cash limit of $50 (the subscription was $45), bought her the coffee, and once we had it I emailed the company to cancel the subscription. Obviously they didnt like that and said they were going to give me 15 days to change my mind, but I simply never emailed them back, and they send me an email saying that they terminated my subscription and closed my account, which is exactly what I was trying to do, so I thought nothing of it.

A few days ago, however, I get a notification that they (the only people in the world with that credit card), tried to make a purchase to TicketMaster for $850 for tickets to some concert, but of course the purchase failed because I put that $50 spending limit on it, and they already got $45 of it for the coffee.

I thought about sending them an email to confront them about it, but before I do, is this actually in violation of some law or something? Because if they did it with me they probably did it to someone else, and I was smart enough to not give them my actual credit card, so if I can do something to make sure they dont do it again, I'd definitely do it.

Any advice on what I should do? (P.S, the coffee smelled bad, tasted like nothing, and only made her go to the bathroom more).

submitted by /u/Unknown_User_66
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