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Got Robbed While Living Abroad

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So I'm living in Panama for just 2 months right now and I need some advice after what just happened. A kid who I thought was a friend asked to use my bathroom while helping me fix my surfboard. Of course I said yes and instead of going to the bathroom he steals around $400 from my room. He later admits this and we get the police involved. They take it very seriously but I'm stuck now. I leave in 16 days, this happened over 20 days ago. No money has been returned. the police say the family needs more time to collect the funds to return to me (the kid spent it all the day he stole). And I somewhat understand, as this is about a month's salary for them and they live in extreme poverty. It was wrong and I want justice. This kid is too young to go to jail, he is now living with the things he bought as normal. I know where they live, should I knock on the door and confront them myself? I don't see the police being able to do much or even caring for that matter. It seems like they moved on because I'm just some white guy from the states who can make it all back in a few days. That is true, but it doesn't justify this family keeping the 2 phones and clothes and shoes they bought! I don't want their stuff, i want my money back! What should I do?

submitted by /u/Particular-Thanks-44
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