Eviction In Pennsylvania

Hello all. Firstly, I appreciate your time, so thank you in advance. I own my house. The house is solely in my name, along with all the bills. My boyfriend has lived in it with me for 10 months. There is no rental agreement. He was supposed to help pay half the bills but never has besides one time last summer. I moved into my parents in late December because I’m trying to break up with him. I have asked him several times to leave, but he will not. It’s obviously not a healthy relationship, and I’ve had enough of his bullshit. He started using again (meth), and I do not allow that kind of stuff in my house. I want back in my house, and I want him gone. He has threatened to ruin my life if I were to ever get law involved. I am honestly afraid he will destroy my stuff or my house (he has already broke some small things). I am also afraid he will physically hurt me (he hasn’t yet, but he assaulted his ex wife more than once). And since he said ruin my life, I am afraid he would plant drugs in it somewhere I wouldn’t be able to find to throw away (I obviously don’t do drugs), and that would ruin my career. I feel so helpless and stuck, and I just want this all over with. Do I really need to go through the eviction process for him to get out?
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