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Dog Bite (no Blood Drawn On My Property) Solicitors

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OK, I am incredibly frustrated with this situation.

We recently purchased a home in a new neighborhood, and we've had constant solicitors (we bought a no soliciting sign after this incident) in hindsight, I guess we should have done it sooner.

Anyway, my wife was home alone. We have 3 dogs all Chihuahua or Chihuahua mixes. The one that this incident pertains to is a Chihuahua Pomeranian mix that weighs like 12 pounds and has the mouth the size of like... a marble... 3 guys come to the door, so my wife was hesitant to open the door, but she did. The dog is naturally freaking out...., she's trying to tell them she's not interested while holding back the dog, listening to their "don't take no for an answer" pitch, and they hand her a pamphlet anyway, meanwhile, the dog slips through from behind her and nips one of the guys on the back of his leg (he had pants on as well)....No blood drawn, no big deal, she just brings him back inside.... after all, this is 3 grown men, with a woman home alone and they're on OUR property.

So we don't think anything of it... the next day, I get home from work and find a notice on my door to call the police department about an incident... so we do, and they get DHEC involved... the Police and DHEC seem to be on our side of this whole debacle and even warn us (to the extent that they can) to be prepared, because "something" is happening.

Fast forward 3 days and there is a note on my door that I missed a letter from a lawfirm.... That letter just came today and I signed for it... Sure enough, this guy is suing us, but they want us to get the homeowner association to speak directly with the lawfirm, because this dude is just looking for a settlement and a payday. I should mention that these type of people strike a nerve with me that just makes me so angry.... It's the same type of people (telemarketers, etc...) that will take advantage of anyone that doens't know any better (mainly the elderly).... These people are the absolute scum of the earth and are just looking for quick paydays....

I'm holding off on calling the company or taking any action, because believe me I REALLY want to.. All this to say, we're contimplating counter sueing, because honestly, I want this guy to get the opposite of what he's looking for. Even if that means losing his job (though according to my wife the CEO was there as well. One of the men. She knows this from his picture on the pamphlet). So he might be well aware of what's happening and this is all part of a scam

I've researched this company, and the person on the letter from the lawfirm.... the first result from google is court records of him sueing a vape shop for some nonsense as well. Everything i look at leads me to believe this whole company is just a scam and this is what they do.... I'm sure they just keep getting away with it, because no one wants to or has the means to fight something like this (we really don't either), but what are your thoughts on this situation..... What, in your opinion, should be the next steps that we take?

Thank you,

submitted by /u/krackOdawn
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