Can My Job Take A Dollar Away For This ?

a paper my boss told us to sign or we were going to get fired
additional information today being 6-7-24 my boss informed me about a mistake i made on a job being 5-7-24 i am wondering if he is legally allowed to still take a dollar away because the date of that notice we signed recently is from 5-27-24
“ To All Employees, This weekend I completed an audit of all generator PMs, repairs and installs and the results are discouraging to say the least. The following cost have been incurred: Generator installs: 5 events - $16,898 Generator PMs: 18 events - $2,970 Generator repairs: 2 events - $367.50 Total cost of carelessness - $20.235.00 The installs were a result of the leader and his crew not double checking to make sure all breakers were back on. Or gas was not tight and we had to return due to leaks. The PM issues are mainly not making sure green light is on when you leave and it results in the 7.5A fuse not being put back in or the generator controller is still off. There have been other issues such as not doing the valve adjustment when it was clearly the issue, corrosion on the battery terminals or not having enough oil in the unit. The repair issues were for misdiagnosed repairs that upon a second or even a third trip the repair was done and was simple that the first or second tech neglected to due proper troubleshooting. In almost every incident the main problem was not a lack of ability but carelessness and the lack of thoroughly doing your job as you have been trained. To remedy these costly irresponsible actions we made forms to be signed by the person doing the PM, the leader running the install and the repair tech. In most cases these forms are being ignored and just signed off in the truck upon leaving the job with no attention being actually given to each and every task listed. These forms are meant to be a reminder and a checklist for your convenience but we can't be with you on every job to make sure you are complying with our request. Unfortunately, this leaves me only one course of action to hold each individual responsible for these costly returns.”
“As of today if the job you are on requires a return trip that is directly caused by you irresponsible work you will be given a written warning with a $1.00 per hour reduction in pay for a 4 week period. After which your hourly wage will be restored to the original rate. You will also be given remedial training to assure that the work you failed to do on that incident will not occur repeatedly. This penalty is not just for generators but also applies for any job in which you are found to be negligent. If more than one person was found to be negligent then the penalty will be split between them for the 30 day period.”. 5-27-24
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