Cops Ran My Plate Illegally And Gave My Info Out To Someone Who Then Came To My Home And Threatened My Family

I am a licensed NYC process server. I was working and tried to serve someone a summons who had ties with law enforcement in queens NY. I never served them but they got a look at my plates and had their police officer connection or family member run my plates and give them my address. The same exact day a strange man came to my house while i was still out working and made contact with my wife and 2 kids while wearing a black mask claiming to be my friend and asking to come inside my home. Wife became suspicious. The man began threatening to kill my kids and wife. My wife in a panic called me over the speaker phone and i tried to reason with the man. He informed me he worked with law enforcement and ran my plates to find me & now knows where i live and can come back whenever he wants. Told my wife call the police the man fled in a red Chevy impala. Problem is i told police this case was easy to solve, just see who ran my plates at 8/4/2023 between the hours of 4pm and 6pm. Because the man was so cocky that he actually asked what i was doing at his family members House and stated the name, so i knew exactly what time i stopped at that house. They kept saying they would eventually do it. Told them the guy said he was a cop, they Said he could be lying. After 9 months of internal affairs and the police dept doing nothing i was able to get a report from the dmv that it was in fact law enforcement that ran my plates on 8/4/23 between the hours of 4 -6pm. Called the internal affairs det. Handling my case to tell him and he says he already knows! He then tells me that the cop that ran my plates ran it for someone else and that cop did not know that the person was going to come to my house and threaten my family. I said so now the guy knows i reported this incident are my children safe? He said yes they were monitoring the situation. This was over 2 months ago.i finally was able to get in contact with the detective yesterday after trying for over 2 weeks seeking answers because he said he could not tell me anything because the investigation was still ongoing but a few weeks ago someone put a dead cat on the hood of my car. I tell him this and ask who was the guy the cop gave my info to? He says they didn't know? I said how? The cop told you he didn't know the guy he gave my info to was going to come to my home and threaten us but you don't know who he gave it to? He said yes they do not know who the cop gave my info to!. I said he was a liar and claimed i had nothing to worry about because they were monitoring everything. I told him he was covering for someone and i will pursue this matter with someone else. Someone asked that cop to run my plates! How you do not know who that person was? I have all my conversations recorded. So i have proof of every lie he said. Tried calling lawyers but no one wants to touch this case. Is there anything i could do? I am stressed out because since this situation my family wants to move, they do not feel safe here and we've been looking at houses with a realtor to move to long Island. If this guy will threaten a woman and a 7 & 11yr old kid to their face i really have to get out of here. One lawyer said i should pursue a lawsuit on my own and file a notice of claim. Any help i would appreciate it. This happened 8/4/23 and a lawyer told me for a lawsuit i have 1yr and 90 days. I think they police are going to prolong this investigation until that time limit passes so i have nothing i can do? I believe they are protecting their own or an i being paranoid?
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