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Childcare Center Sending Child Home With "fever", None Exist When We Take The Temperature.

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USA, PA. My child goes to a childcare center that over the past 2 years has sent them home with "fevers" of 100.4, just at the limit to send them home. I get them home and take their temperature and mine would show 98.x and the occasional 99.x. The fever automatically makes them stay home for 48 hours. Less than half the time they were send home did they have anything close to 100 or act sick. A few times we've gone to the doctor the same or next day, once they had a early ear infection and others they couldn't find an issue.

Well today another parent stopped us on the way in and asked if our child has been sent home with fevers when none exist at home, and they had also found a 3rd parent that's had this. This other parent also requested that the teacher take their child's temperature in front of them, and the teacher refused, they did this to us also, so I brought my own thermometer, and they didn't have a fever, not even close. But we had to go home because that was the policy. The teachers reasoning for no fever was they were on the playground when the fever was detected and now that they were inside to cool off, by the time I got there the fever went away.

We (us and the other parents) are thinking that the center is over the teacher/student limit, so they pick a child to be "sick". The question is do we (us and the 2 other parents, possibly more) have any recourse. They would have to have records of how many children were signed in and how many teachers were on those days. And then have a record that shows a child went home "sick". We don't get any reimbursement for those sick days.

submitted by /u/Comfortable-Rice-274
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