Bit By A Dog While Hiking. Owner Refuses To Give Me Contact Info.

I was walking on a trail in Long Island NY (Suffolk County). When passing someone else who was walking in the opposite direction, their dog lunged at me biting my leg.
The bite didn’t break the fabric of my jeans but as I discovered later, the bite broke the skin. The trail is a loop and I saw the dog owner again. I told him the skin was broken and he said he wasn’t going to give me any information. I recorded video on my phone of him getting close to me with the dog growling at me. An argument ensued and we parted ways.
By coincidence, I saw the man and his brother the following day in a different location. I waited until they walked back to their car and confronted them. I snapped a picture of his brothers license plate and they both got aggressive with me.
I started recording video on my phone. They accused me of making the story up to sue them. They threatened to beat me up, called me gay, asked me my race and told me to go back to where I came from.
My only concern is being covered if I have to go into my own pockets for medical bills. I don’t have hard proof that the dog bit me other than a scar and bruises, video of us arguing on the trail, and video of him and his brother threatening me.
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