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3 Year Old Had Ear Drum Stabbed By Another Child At Day Care

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Well, after a few days I've calmed myself down enough to start asking about recourse now. Here are the details. State of Alaska.

My child was seriously injured at school. Enough to take them to the emergency room. Now we live in a small community and there won't be an ENT in until this up coming week, as of now we're unaware of the severity of the injury as the Emergency dept didn't have an answer.

What happened, at outside play time the kids were playing while the 2 teachers of the students were apparently talking amongst each other instead of supervising their class children. My child's friend was pretending to give my child a hair cut and then decided it was time to clean their ears. When this happened the other child jammed a stick into their ear. It was not malicious and they were just playing. Now my kid let out a blood curdling scream and blood was pouring out of the ear.

Because there was an emergency room visit OCS has been contacted and is being involved with an investigation. Probably nothing will come of this.

Now who should be held liable for medical expenses and what if my child has permanent hearing damage because of this?

submitted by /u/CommonDouble2799
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