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Neighbor Had Me Charged With Disorderly Conduct For Dust.

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I purchased 30-acre farm in May of 2006. Went directly to title without a real-estate agent with seller. Seller issued an easement to me from his easement. I found out later that was not legally binding. The easement was through a neighboring parcel (parcel A). It turns out seller’s easement was filed after the parcel A owner had already purchased his property. The seller and owner of a parcel A have history with disputes over the easement and did not inform me. After my purchase, at first the owner of parcel A was very friendly to me and encouraged me to use his dumpster or borrow tools during the construction process. As I began building a residence and using the easement through his parcel, he turned dark. The owner of parcel A contacted a lawyer and sued me for trespassing on the easement and modifying his property. I did modify the original easement by filling in pot hole with gravel and blading the easement. The owner of parcel A made no attempt to discuss the issue and would not talk with me about granting an easement. I turned to my title insurance company. They hired lawyers to procure an easement to my property. A deal was made with adjacent property owners to purchase a private easement directly adjacent to the first easement from the seller in Oct. of 2007. The owner of parcel A then chose to construct a fence between original easement from seller and the new easement. The owner of parcel A installed all the vertical posts but no horizontal fencing. The owner of parcel A installed a gate between his property and new easement. The owner of parcel A then began using the easement to access his property. I installed NO TRESPASSING signs, with adjacent easement owner’s permission, at the beginning and end of the new easement. The owner of parcel A still used the easement, as if it was put there for anyone’s use. I called the county sheriff office to file a complaint. The owner of parcel A was convinced the easement was there for him to use. The sheriff deputy informed the owner of parcel A that it was a private easement and therefore NO TRESPASSING. I asked the sheriff deputy not to issue a citation, but rather a warning so to not stir the pot. Well that didn’t work, that just made the owner of parcel A more vindictive and angry.

My easement is ½ of a mile long, including the owner of parcel A easement to the main road. I maintain the easement from my property, passing parcel A, to the road by dragging the road with my tractor and blade. Over time the gravel installed on the easement works its’ way into the ground and has become dusty in the dry season. This easement was originally farm ground and very difficult to maintain a top layer of gravel. It is a farm accessible easement, so I have lots of tractor/truck traffic during the farming season. The owner of parcel A doesn’t complain about dust when I am maintaining the easement (which creates a ton of dust), but complains when anyone drives on it. I’ve spent over $40,000 to bring in gravel and maintain the easement to mitigate dust.

The owner of parcel A began calling the county sheriff’s office and filing complaints that I was speeding passed the owner of parcel A home, making dust, endangering grandkids and making middle finger gestures. This started in ~2010. After the 5th or 6th complaint, the last sheriff’s deputy issued me a disorderly conduct citation (11/22/2024), UT code 76-9-102, INFRACTION on the owner of parcel A written complaint.

What recourse do I have to make him stop harassing me?

Should I contact attorney?

submitted by /u/mhhman8548
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