Eturnal Rest


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Regina Doyle

Brooklyn, New York on 26 February 1940

Ormond Beach on 18 January 2023

82 years


The Story

Colleen "Regina" Doyle Wynne was born February 26, 1940 in Brooklyn, New York. She was 100% Irish and was very proud of her heritage. Regina's father's name was William John Doyle and her mother's name was Annie Gallgher. Her grandparents were Michael Doyle and Mary Keogh who came from Ireland. They settled in Brooklyn, New York on Kent Avenue. She had twelve brothers and sisters; Edward, William, Eileen, Joan, Anne, Gloria, Kathleen, Michael, Lorraine, Joseph, and Robert. Her family lived in Brooklyn, New York on Dekalb Avenue. She went to school at Our Lady Of Perpetual Help Catholic Academy in Richmond Hill, Queens, New York. As a student she enjoyed choir in church and rollerskating. Her ambition was to become a nun or a singer. As a young woman, she graduated from Lindenhurst High School in 1958. After graduation, she went to work for Pan American Airlines. She then met her husband James Michael Jermone Wynne Jr. at 17 years old through her girlfriends in Lindenhurst, New York. They married on April 8, 1961 and had two children. She had a son Brian Michael Wynne and daughter Eileen Mary Wynne. She had four beloved grandchildren; Kristine Michelle Wynne, Jennifer Colleen Wynne, Brooke Anne Tiano and Allison Rose Tiano who called her "nana" or "nana banana". She lived in Ormond Beach, Florida in her older years. She passed away in her home January 2023.

Some Of Regina's Favorite Things:

Her Quote: "Always be yourself, everyone else is taken"
Book: " A Tree Grows In Brooklyn"
Season: Fall
Vacation Spot: Rockaway Beach, New York
Holiday: Easter
Flower: Gardenia and Easter Lilly
Color: "Lavender"
Food: Roast Beef and Mashed Potatoes
Subject In School: Music or History

Regina or "nana" who she was called by so many was a one-of-a-kind. She loved singing and music very much. Her grandchildren often were comforted by her soft hands while she sung nursery rhymes like "A You're Adorable by Dean Martin" to us and would spell the letters on our backs. She was a very comforting person who would really listen to what you were saying. She instilled in her granddaughters to always be yourself and to beat to your own drum. She was a short 5'2 Irish woman but she had so much heart you would never know how it could all fit into such a small stature. She had an unwavering love for god and her religion. I remember her carrying a purse full of prayer cards that she she would bring with her whenever she went even if it was just to the grocery store to pick up a bottle of Ginger Ale which was her favorite. At night time, you could find her curled up on the sofa watching her nightly shows like Dateline or reading a book under a lamp peacefully.

I cry in grief for her earthly presence but I know she is in peace again with god. She lives within her children and grandchildren. I know we will meet again.

Rest in joy my angel in heaven, nana banana

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Regina and her sister Gloria

Wynne shared a photo.


Nana and Jennifer at Flagler College

Wynne shared a photo.


Nana and Jennifer at Flagler College

Wynne shared a photo.


Nana in New Smyrna Beach

Wynne shared a photo.


Nana in New Smyrna Beach

Wynne shared a photo.


Love and miss you dearly!

wynne shared a photo.


Love and miss you dearly!

wynne shared a photo.


Love and miss you dearly!

wynne shared a photo.


Allison's graduation

Tiano shared a photo.




Lovingly memorialized by

Brooke Tiano

Regina's Granddaughter