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Would It Be Ilegal To Create A Pictionary-type Game That Mentions Copyrighted Characters?

Card image cap

Let's say, for the sake of argument, that I'm working on a physical drawing type game similar to Pictionary called "Draw It Up" (not the real name) and that I'm planning on selling it.

It's basically just a deck of cards with drawing prompts in them for people to pick from and draw until time runs out or someone shouts out the answer.

I'm wondering if it's legal to add some copyrighted characters and/or titles to the list of prompts.

For example: If a card simply has text written on it that reads "Bugs Bunny" or "Homer Simpson". Or maybe the card says something more broad like "Harry Potter" or "Abraham Lincoln".

Would this be considered fair use? Can names be copyrighted? Where is the line (if any) and what could be done to stay out of trouble?

NOTE: Out of the 1,000+ prompts I think maybe 20% of them are names of fictional/historical characters, celebrities/musicians, and movies/books/shows.

Thanks in advance, r/LegalAdvice <3

submitted by /u/juanthrowaway01
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