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Weed Possession In Laramie

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Hello. Yesterday I was at the university of Wyoming football game and I was spotted by some cops holding a weed pen. I tried to throw it away and play dumb but they did not appreciate it and eventually I caved and told them that I threw it. After they found it they took me down and wrote me a ticket with mandatory court appearance. I admitted that I knew it was illegal, that I got it from Colorado, and that I had not smoked it yet. The officer said he trusted me on the last part because I had no eye redness and he didn’t see me hitting it. I was at war memorial stadium, and it was the university police, if that changes anything. They wrote me down for breaking a city ordinance 9.12.250B in the city of Laramie and I saw that jail time and a 750$ fine is the maximum punishment. I was just wondering if breaking a city ordinance will carry less weight than something like a state law?. I already have contacted 2 lawyers for free consultation in the city, but since they don’t get back to me until Monday, I didn’t know if you guys could be of any help. Thank you

submitted by /u/Nearby_Ad9952
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