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University With No Accessible Doors?

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Hello! I work at a large, expensive, private medical university. I recently shattered my ankle and had to have it rebuilt by a trauma surgeon. Because of that, I'm currently in a giant boot, on a scooter, and unable to place any weight on the foot for 8 weeks total. As you can imagine, this has made it hard to get around.

I returned to work after two weeks of working remotely (with my boss asking when I would be back every three days) and found that none of the doors on the route to my office are accessible. I struggled my ass through all doors because I get there at 5 am and there's literally no one around except the security officer who opens the gate.

When I made it to my office I emailed facilities for a list of accessible doors so that I could alter the route to my office from the parking lot. They informed me that there is not a single accessible door on campus. Much less to my building.

Is that legal? I read through their accomodations document, which says that any reasonable accomodations are made for students or employees as long as the accommodation does not cause "undue hardship to the business of the university". It costs hundreds of thousands of dollars to go to school here. They have money for a door opener.

So, is this legal somehow?

Thanks guys.

submitted by /u/trashintheyard
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