Someone Made A Fake Id With My Information To Try And Sell My Family's Property. What Do I Do?

My parents owns property in the state of Florida. They received numerous inquiries on it but not interested in selling. Because my father and I share the same first and last name, I will sometimes get calls as well, usually I say I don't own it or express my parents' lack of interest to sell.
Last week my parents received a letter from a title company in Florida stating that someone used my Pennsylvania license (where I live) to try and sell the property. They contacted the title company, stated that I have no claim to it, and asked for a copy of the license that was used when filing. Sure enough, all my info is on there except for signature and picture are a different person.
So this person used my license details (don't know how he got the info) and impersonated me to try and facilitate a property sale.
I contacted my local PD to file a report, they said they can't really do much since the crime actually didn't take place in NY. Contacted the district where my parents' property is and they said that because I live in PA that my district has to pursue it.
I've notified my creditors about potential fraud. But...what do I do? Neither police department seems to want to take up this case.
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