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Robbed Of Services

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Hey legal Reddit. I might be in a little predicament and I'm hoping some of you might have some advice for me. So I work for a small cleaning service and I'm close/related to my boss. She found me a clean from a girl here on Reddit, they spoke, a video was sent of the apartment in question, my boss quoted her $150 total for the job and she happily agreed. This was all through text. I get there and immediately start in a bathroom. Once I'm finished in there, the renter's were leaving to run an errand and I moved to the kitchen. Now the kitchen, was probably the worst I've ever seen. And the video she sent my boss did not show the full scope of work that would be required. You could not see the counter at all because of the dishes that had been left piled up with food dried on them. So I filled her entire dishwasher, stacked up an entire counter and full sink worth of clean dishes. This took me about 2 hours alone because of how bad it was. She come home, and starts texting my boss videos of things I missed in the bathroom (while I'm still there). Then my boss calls me and tells me to leave, because the girl is "uncomfortable with the amount of work that I gotten done in 3 hours". And she refused to pay. So I waited for her to get back inside and I asked her what I had done wrong. She said "it's 9pm and you've only done 2 things, I'm not comfortable paying for that" (Reminder, again, technically I still had 2 hours left on the budget for the clean). So I confronted her about how I can't "unclean" the dishes and how she's robbing me of my services. So I did threaten to dump the garbage bag I filled on the floor. I did not end up doing that. She kept interrupting me and telling me to leave her place without pay. So as I did, I slammed the door on my way out. Now for the last 2 days after, she is claiming that I broke the door closer as I slammed it. And that she will be pursuing legal action against us. She is sending videos and photos of things that didn't get cleaned and how it's "unacceptable" and she "expected more". My question in the end is, does she have any grounds? There's no real proof that I broke her door, it could have been like that before. She did have a camera facing her kitchen but that's it. And I also did record the entire interaction on my cell phone with an app so I have my own proof of what happened to an extent. So lay it on me Reddit, what can she do and what are my options?

submitted by /u/beanbop234
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