Restaurant Manager Makes All Shift Workers Take An Unpaid Break Immediately After Clocking In [ca]

I work at a restaurant in California. I believe it is required by CA state law that we have to take an unpaid 30 minute break (which cannot be waived by either party) before the 5th hour of work. But I’m wondering if it is legal for our manager to force us to take this break immediately after clocking in (for example, yesterday I was scheduled from 8:30 to 4. I clock in at 8:30, then go on unpaid break from 8:30 to 9:00, clock back in at 9:00, then clock out at 4).
I can’t see anything in the text of the law that says this isn’t allowed, but it makes the shift really rough and it’s a pain to be forced to go into work 30 minutes early before starting work for unpaid time just so the employer technically complies with the statute. I’d rather waive the break, but I know the statute doesn’t allow that.
Here is the labor code statute:§ionNum=512.
Any attorneys have any thoughts about whether this is legal? Or just a crappy management policy? Thank you!
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