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Pastors Son Sa Me In A Church 8 Years Ago. The Pastor Was Informed About It.

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8 years ago, I was 17 & the pastors son was 23/24. I was in the church basement getting something & he came down and shut the door behind him. I was uncomfortable because of previous things he’s said & done, so I tried to leave. He said I still owed him and needed to make out with him. I told him no and tried to slide past him (he was still in front of the door). Before I got out, he SA me, even though I said no.

I didn’t report this right away, because how do you tell the pastor of the church that his son SA me. I didn’t tell my family either (long story, but I didn’t want what happened to me to ruin their relationship and experience at that church. We went there for 15 years.) The only person I told was my cousin, who also went there & eventually my youth pastors.

A few weeks later, the pastors son SA me at a mall. My cousin was there to witness this. That’s when my cousin told me that I needed to tell the pastor what his son had been doing, and if I didn’t, he would tell them. So we went to church that night & told both of his parents what happened. All they basically said is that they couldn’t believe he would do something like that & talked about how he got along so well with everyone. So I didn’t tell anyone else about it. If the pastors didn’t believe me, I was afraid no one would.

Fast forward to today, 8 years later. Something happened & it led to me reporting the pastors son to get a protection order. He ended up getting 6 months in a facility for treatment along with probation. He was supposed to get charged with two SA felony’s, but managed to walk away with a child endangerment charge. This is because he “had an authoritive role of me, who was technically a child, since I worked in the sound booth with him and he was the pastors son.”

I got justice in a way and I did get what I wanted - a protection order, even though he deserved so much worse.

My question now is, is there anything I can do about his dad, the pastor of the church? During the year battle of going to court against his son, the pastor went to extreme measures to cover for his son. He wanted to protect himself and his church, which I understand, but it was gross the things he was saying and making up about me. Basically his dad said I didn’t report anything to him. Then he changed his story and said that I said we were just making out and that his son tried to take it further, but I said no and then he stopped. Which isn’t the case, but still.

In his son’s statement, he even said that when this all happened, his dad did talk to him and punished him. So the pastor was obviously aware something happened.

His dad, the pastor of the church, didn’t report to anyone what happened. He kept it all hush, and gaslit me that his son & I were inexperienced and just figuring things out. After knowing what his son did, he still continued telling people that his son and I should get married and tried to get me to date him. I think it was his way of making it seem like what his son did was innocent and it excused his actions, if we were in a relationship. To be clear, I was never intimate with him in any way and never expressed interest.

On the church website, it says that they are supposed to report any incidents that happen in the church, especially when it comes to SA. This pastor didn’t do that. He didn’t even tell my grandma, who was a teacher there, about what happened. So I called the church to report it, because the pastor still lets this man be on the worship team and involved in other things there, even though he was charged. His son has SA other women there too, so I worry for them.

The church said that I needed to let it go. That the pastor has been informing them about what happened in court & that the church is in good hands. That I needed to let it go because I haven’t gone to that church in a year now. All they did was or him on a sabbatical leave for a month, and now he’s preaching there again.

Knowing what his son did to me at the church, and letting him be active in the church, even after his son was charge and sentenced, the pastor got away with his corrupt actions

Is there anything I can or should do, or should I just drop it?

submitted by /u/Ok_Juice_1405
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