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One Of My Close Family Friends Was Just Arrested For An Hit And Run (texas)

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One of my best friend's father was just arrested for a hit-and-run involving a pedestrian. A few days ago, he was returning from getting groceries and, while turning a corner, didn’t see a woman in the crosswalk. He hit her, and she fell. For some reason (I’m not sure why), he didn’t stop. He said he saw her get up and walk away, possibly limping, so he assumed she was okay until he was arrested this morning.

The family isn’t originally from America, and her father doesn’t speak any English, which might have contributed to his decision not to stop—possibly out of fear related to the immigration system.

What are their options? A criminal defense lawyer seems like an essential first step, but I imagine they should also consider the potential civil liability since they don’t know the extent of the woman’s injuries. The family isn’t very wealthy—the father is a priest, and the mother doesn’t work—so my friend’s biggest concern is protecting their house.

submitted by /u/throwawayyyy6777790
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