Neighbor Selling Their House Called The Police Because I Informed A Potential Buyer That Their Solar Panels Produce Extreme Glare In My Home.

Hello and thanks in advance!
Some background of my situation... I live in Iowa and my neighbors installed solar panels on their roof last May. The panels create an extreme glare into my home that's limiting access to several rooms and my outdoor spaces, increasing our electrical bills due to the excess heat that's being generated in our home, and we believe this is harming the trees on our property. My fiancé and I tried to have conversations with them after the installation, but they refused to acknowledge the issue or try to do anything to rectify the problem. We have also tried contacting a few departments in our city (and going to a zoning/planning meeting today), but have just been told that the installation was done to code according to the permit.
Last week I discovered that they have placed their house up for sale, but it doesn't appear they are disclosing the panel glare or that there is an ongoing dispute with their neighbor. I was outside with my dog yesterday when they had an open house going on and a couple came out to view their backyard. I took it upon myself to engage with them, in a polite friendly way, and let them know about the panel glare and the dispute I have with the current owner. I feel that a potential buyer should be aware of this so they are not blindsided on day one.
Later in the evening I had a police officer show up at my door to discuss a "conflict" that I have with my neighbor and asked that I not be in contact with any potential buyers. I was polite with the officer and explained that there had not been a direct conflict with the neighbor, we have an ongoing dispute, but the only interaction was a 2 sentence conversation that occurred on my property. I asked how this was a police matter and he said that my neighbors felt the situation would escalate if they tried to talk to us and thought that the message would be better received if it came from the police. I also asked what consequences could occur if I did not adhere to their request and was told that they could possibly file for a no-contact order if I am preventing the sale of their home.
My questions...
1) Is there any law that I am breaking by having a conversation with potential buyers if I am on my property? I'm not telling anyone that they should not buy the house, just that there is an extreme glare and that there is an active dispute. I am not looking to be unlawful, but do feel that people should know about the situation.
2) Do I have any legal recourse? I've reached out to a few attorneys, but have said this is not something their firm deals with. I'm not sure if there really is no course of action for us or if this is something that no one feels like dealing with.
Here are a few images of the glare that I'm experiencing.
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