My Neighbor Was Arrested Recently For Possession Of Meth With Intent To Deliver, Now People Drive Up And Honk At Her House Every Night

Title. Neighbor was arrested and I can see her info on my county's Inmate Search through the sheriff's department. She's still currently in jail, so I know she's not home. Only thing is I constantly see new cars pulling in and hanging around her house. Is it possible they all just room together? Maybe. But for the past few days around 6:45, I hear cars pull up to her driveway and honk once or twice. Sometimes a few minutes pass by and then another honk. Normally I wouldn't think anything of this, but given her history I have to believe there's more going on in that house. Is it worth putting a tip in to a non-emergency line? I haven't seen what cars are actually doing the honking, but the house has always looked shady. The arrest just gave me more info as to who lives there. I also know that whoever actually owns that house has (or had) a pregnant dog living there as well. Haven't seen it in a while, that's not to say I just haven't noticed it. All this just makes me wonder if it's something worth reporting, or if I'm just being paranoid.
EDIT: It should also be known, prior to her most recent arrest, just by doing a quick Google search I was able to find that her and her presumed husband were previously found in a string of drug busts across the county around 3 years ago. I live in a small town of about 8k people and recently the sheriff's office announced they were cracking down on drug related issues in the county. I have a solid feeling that the police will more than happily jump at the chance to get a bunch of junkies, assuming that is what's going on.
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