All 3 Roommates Will Be Gone For Summer Break (may-september) And Are Refusing To Pay For Any Utilities

Currently renting a townhouse as a subletter with 3 college students close to age in me in a mid-sized city. They are all going to be gone over the summer, and they are all insisting that they shouldn’t have to pay any utilities while they are gone because they won’t be using them.
While I get that I should be paying the bulk of utilities I think it’s unfair to have me pay all of it. It’s not my fault they’re gonna be gone over the summer.
Not sure what to do ???? one of the girls has the electricity bill in her name and when May rolls around she said if i refuse to transfer it to my name she will freeze the electricity and WiFi. Assuming she follows thru on that (likely) I am screwed into just paying it all. Isn’t it kind of illegal to threaten that?
Feels like I am just locked into paying it all on my own :/ to make matters worse I took over my room from another girl in December and all of us just found out we pay electricity one month behind every month so I paid for my previous tenants electricity by accident
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