My Girlfriend Is Threatening Suicide If I Break Up With Her. Could I Be Charged With Murder?

17M, Virginia, USA. My girlfriend (15) is threatening to commit suicide if I leave her. It’s been a rocky relationship and I feel nothing towards her. She’s not a person I want to spend my life with. I initially stayed with her because I didn’t want to be blamed for her death but my mental health has been on the decline for a few months now and I don’t want anything to do with her anymore. She says that I will “be blamed for her death”. I have no idea what this means. I know you can be charged with manslaughter if you cause someone to commit suicide but I don’t think I’m the cause of it. I haven’t done anything bad to her. I just want to break up with her. I don’t want to be charged with murder or get into any other legal trouble. Please help me. Thank you.
EDIT: Man this blew up. Much more than I expected. My girlfriend and I have officially broken up and I’ve cut contact. I’m avoiding her the best I can. Thank you all for your help, cheers!
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