My Childhood Rapist Admitted What He Did On Audio. What Can I Do?

So, to start off; I live in Ontario. We have one sided consent laws with recording so long as the one recording is a part of the conversation (please correct me if I’m wrong). I am now 23, and he is now 24. The abuse started when I was 9 and ended when I was 12, meaning he was 10-13 at the time. I have received a good amount of therapy from this happening and it changed the trajectory of my life. I have become a shut in, and generally am filled with fear when I am not in my safe space, which tends to only be my apartment-when my roommate is home.
I used to create sexual content, primarily behind a paywall (haven’t posted in 3 months however which is relevant).
Well, I saw a username sub, and I recognized it as his and I froze as I processed what I was seeing. I felt scared, I felt disgusted, and I felt very, VERY mad. How. Dare. He.
So I called him and asked him: “Do you think I’m stupid?” He played dumb and was saying he had no idea what I was talking about, to which I said “you use the same username on EVERYTHING. So again I ask, do you think I’m stupid.” To which he said “oh, that.” Me- “YEAH. THAT.” Him- “well stuff comes up on feed sometimes-“ Me- “I can guarantee it did not ‘come up’ I haven’t posted in months. What were you doing.” Him (slightly paraphrasing as I hadn’t started recording yet. I did not know what he was about to say) “yea I was get some stuff my photos to send to your dad in case you went to the cops again.” I started recording here as I had my jaw on the floor “Do you think I had no reason to go back then?!” (For context: went to the police when I was 17 but they told me to drop it as I had no evidence and it was a he said, she said and I would likely lose.) Him- “well I never went further tha- I always got your consent beforehand” (WRONG I REALIZED SAYING NO DIDNT STOP HIM. SILENCE IS NOT A YES.) Me- “I need you to say with you own mouth that you touched me as a child” Him- “I did touch you as a child” Me- “….Okay. And I think I’m a bit in shock, did you say you were going to blackmail me?” Him- “Let me guess you’re recording?” Me- “No, I should have.” (Again, to my knowledge this is legal in my province.) Him- “Well, I know you used to keep things from your dad and I figured that this would be one of them” Me- “…No.” (I told my dad that I post pics online so yes, he knows. Proud of it? Likely not. But happy enough bc he knew I couldn’t work bc of my ptsd) Him- “oh… I did not know that” Me- “Obviously not.”
The conversation then went onto how his gf would think of this, that I think he’s dumber than a bag of rocks, and that I hope he gets everything he deserves.
How does one pull the full phone recording so it isn’t disputable that he was planning on blackmailing me and using revenge porn? How do lawyers approach Child on Child sexual assault? What can I sue him for? My assumption is they will not go after the old assault despite him saying it himself. However the blackmail and revenge porn, as well as the intentional emotional distress, I feel might have a chance?
I am tired of him ruining my life. I just want to feel safe, and I want to have justice.
I am already planning on pulling the file from CPS, the first police report (if they kept it) as well as my mental health records to prove I have been diagnosed with ptsd from those things happening in the past. I also (like I mentioned) need help knowing how to pull the entire phone call.
I’m going to meet with a lawyer in mid April.
THANK YOU for reading and for ANY advice you can provide.
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