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I Work At A Hotel. Coworkers Suspect A Room Was Not Properly Clean After A Dead Body Was Found In It. Is That Reportable And To Who?

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Recently at the hotel I work out, a suicide took place. From what I hear and understand from my coworkers, no professional cleaners were called to clean up the mess after the body was taken. I’m unsure how common that is, as I am aware there are people that specialize in hazard or crime scene clean up. From my coworker (we’ll call them S) mentions, they only saw the owner go in there to clean up, however the owner claims it was done professionally. The next day however another coworker (call this one A) was told to do some additional touch up. A didn’t want to but gave in. A claims the clean up when she entered did not look professional or at all. Our concerns is if it is even safe to use this space again since we all have doubts any of the cleaning was done right. Is this reportable to a health inspector or something similar? Or is this one of this it is what it is kind of deals. If it helps, the most I am willing to mention is that this would be under Texas state law.

submitted by /u/DatpunkGeorgie
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