My Boss Took All My Tips, I Confronted Her And She Gave In But Then Fired Me A Week Later. Is There Any Legal Action I Can Take?

I (19F) was a barista at a boba shop for almost a year. My starting pay was $12/hr with no tips but now reached 13.50/hr. All of the cash and credit tips all go to her. Shes been doing this ever since she has opened up the store. She currently has 3 stores and bought a different boba franchise. I messaged some of the girls from the other stores and we all agreed to confront her about our tips. I was the one to initiate the conversation about the tips. We all voiced our opinions and she gave in to give us tips. When I look at my pay, it shows the amount I should get in tips, but when I got paid it showed that I didnt get the tips and just got my normal pay without tips. Also after we all got our tips she started treating us, especially me, terribly like she was mad we stole her money.
She expects us to deep clean the whole store and do all the closing duties before closing time. If we stay a little longer after closing time she repremands us.
She cut all of our hours and gave the reason that they dont have enough money to pay us so they cut our shifts and are only scheduling one person to be alone all day from opening to closing wiht no breaks. If there are 2 people scheduled together then she makes one of them leave an hour before closing (when rush hour is). She only schedules a max of 2 people at a time no matter how busy it gets. She is never happy with anything we do. She calls out my coworkers at the store I work at and compares us to the other store in the groupchat with everyone in it. I stood up for my coworkers explaining why that is happening, and she decides to belittle me and threatened my job in front of the group chat.
Yesterday I woke up to a message from my boss that reads:
"Hi [my name],
Thank you for working at [establishment]. We decided to put a pause on your employment. You have changed a lot. You were responsible and passionate about your job. There have been many issues arising recently. We have decided to make some changes.
I wish you the best."
Is there anything I could do? Can I file a complaint? If I can, where should I?
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