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Local Michigan Ordinance Officer Lies Help His Friends And Control Who Stays In The Neighborhood, Is There A Way To Request Copies Evidence He Presented In Trial That He "forgot At Home"

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I 33M have gotten 9 misdemeanor violations for property maintenance (grass, pool maintenance, rodents,) specifically for my backyard without warnings or any conversations in the last 3 years and the ordinance officer lies and uses ordinance violations that are not in the cities ordinance code so he doesn't have to give warnings and so that he can upgrade them to misdemeanors for anyone he doesn't like. Long story short, there is no way to fight this since this is a very old religious club where the city reads bible scriptures before starting their city council meetings and anyone that doesn't fit in is ticketed until they move out. I have looked at a few things but the ordinance officer will get away with anything he wants as long as he can get through the neighbors yard to take pictures. He counts tall flowers as weeds, I cant plant corn because from far away they look ugly, I have a pool and when it rains the water sometimes turns green and it takes 3-7 days to clear it up and he catches it since the neighbor is his friend and they call him immediately.

The main reason for my post is because I believe I caught him. One of the misdemeanors he gave me last year was property maintenance and under it the notes were for rodent harborage even though there are no rats in my yard, I've set traps and I let my cats out in the backyard daily because he's given me tickets about it multiple times, the first time I thought it was a real thing so I did everything I can to fix the issue and the 4 times after that I realized it wasn't about any real rats it was just an excuse for a violation that cannot be proven. In court I asked for evidence when he was called up as an expert witness (he has no training or certifications) he swore under oath that he had video and pictures of rats walking around in my yard but he forgot them at home. The judge allowed this as evidence since he was a trusted expert witness and the violation went through without any evidence. I filled out a FIOA request and they said I wasn't allowed to get the information, I cant afford anymore fees and lawyers and I cant afford to sell my house and move everything is underwater and I lost my job last year. What can I do to request the evidence that he used( pictures of rats in my yard) to show he lied under oath? When I asked for them when we were talking to the prosecutor he got angry and said if I keep asking he can always go back to my house and find more violations

submitted by /u/halromdh
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