Lawyer Had Me File Pro Se And Now I'm Worried They Won't Assign An Attorney To My Case

Hi all. Here's the skinny. Has anyone ever heard of this happening? Basically I wanted to sue someone because they did something bad to me. I hired a law firm that was in the niche area of practice that this case falls into. I've been having issues of non-response and slowness. eventually I was given to a paralegal who got the complaint organized and filed. But he told me that they had to do it pro se since they didn't have an attorney for me. So I signed the things and allowed them to do that (probably dumb on my part). It's been over two months since filing and I haven't received anything in the mail or anything from the court. I'm guessing the party I'm suing didn't respond to the lawsuit. I'm guessing that I would get something in the mail if they did. Anyway I'm over here getting frustrated because I've been asking for updates for a few weeks now and just for giggles I go and google the law firm to make sure that it's still open. And I find a few reviews of it on Yelp saying that the lead attorney has been barred from practicing law until 2029 and basically a bunch of other clients saying their cases are clusters. I'm really not sure what to do because technically I'm out here on my own with this. I'm already out a significant amount of cash paying for these potential clowns so I really don't know what my recourse is. Any advice or thoughts are welcome.
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