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Keep Getting Parking Tickets In My Neighborhood, But There’s Nowhere Else To Park!

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TLDR; Sometimes there is LITERALLY ZERO street parking in our neighborhood, so my mom has to park in another neighborhood down the street and keeps getting parking tickets. Who do we talk to? What can we do?

This post is for my lovely mom. We share an apartment in an overpopulated neighborhood. We were assigned one single car garage that is so small, but I can fit my old beater in there. My mom’s car cannot fit, so she has to find street parking. We live in the lower income side of the neighborhood and it is PACKED. Down the street is the “nicer” neighborhood and the streets are empty. Sometimes, my mom literally has no choice but to park there, since sometimes there is LITERALLY no spot ANYWHERE to park in our side of the neighborhood. She has gotten I think 3 tickets so far. Each being $155. Obviously, being on the lower income side, she cannot afford to keep paying these tickets. What can we do? Who should we talk to? I doubt there’s anything our management company can do. Do we talk to the city? How do we do that? Thank you!

submitted by /u/rettucfog
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