In Fl, Friends Won't Pick Up Boxk Of Sensitive Info Papers And Family Photos

So an old friend who lived two houses down moved a few years ago. His neighbor across the street had been holding two boxes. One containing mostly his mother's old legal papers and some papers being his old car purchase paperwork. The other box contains his old family photos. He asked me to pick these boxes up from the neighbors and he would swing by that weekend to pick it up. Its been about a month now and he does the ole, "something came up this weekend" for the past few weekends. I even offered to meet him half way. He says he only wants a few things, that he isn't a big picture guy and doesnt have room for 2 12"x12" boxes at his apartment and asked me to get rid of the rest the stuff he doesnt want. But it's all either sensitive info documents or family photos. I told him no, he will have to do it himself. But I dont have faith he will actually get his stuff. What would be my legal options if he doesn't actually pick his stuff up?
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