I Was Attacked In The Streets, The Cops Saw, But I End Up In Handcuffs And My Assailant Was Allowed To Go Free (seattle)

Yesterday while heading home with groceries a man came up behind me at an intersection and pushed me hard in to traffic and attempted to fight me. I’m screaming at him to get away from me and screaming for help, cops come running up, I start trying to run away because I’m having a panic attack when four police officers surround me, put me in cuffs, threaten to cut off my backpack if I didn’t just drop it, threaten to arrest me for obstruction of justice while I’m shaking and clearly having a panic attack and begging the cops to stop touching me and to back up, they wouldn’t listen and continued their threats, after allowing me to tell them that the man assaulted me and I wanted to press charges, they went and talked to the guy, leaving me in handcuffs on a busy street corner… and then they let my assailant go free despite the fact that he assaulted me and I had expressed desire for legal action. I need to know if I can sue the police department for their treatment of me yesterday when I was clearly the victim and for their lack of doing their jobs. I’m still shaken up over it.
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