I Own 73.33 % Of The House My Parents And I Bought While My Four Other Siblings Living In Another Country Own 6.67 % Each Because Of My Father's Wrote Them In His Will Before He Passed This Year. [u.s.]

My parents had five kids total, but I am the only one they were able to bring over to U.S. (State of Hawaii) when they immigrated from Asia. My parents and I bought a house together split 3 ways. Both of my parents have now passed away this year. Before passing, my mother wrote me in her will as the sole inheritor of her share but my father put my four siblings and I as his inheritor of his share (understandable as I would also want all of my kids to have something when I pass). I now have 73.33 % share ownership of the house after both my parents have passed away and my four other siblings have 6.67 % share ownership each.
My four siblings immigration petition that my parents filed ~20 years ago are still being processed. But with both parents now dead, I am a little weary of this multi-decade ordeal but I am still hopeful for the good ending. One of my siblings wants to sell the house so that he can get "his money". Us three, my parents and I, were only able to buy the house because I was the only who built up credit (my parents were old school Asians and didn't believe in credit cards and doing loans).
My question is what is the best course of action into keeping the house in the family for future generation (it be my kids or if my siblings/one of my siblings and their family is able to come here)? I have invested so much money into our house and I don't want to sell. One of my sibling is also sick and her condition is getting worse. I am the only one in the U.S. and I don't know what will happen to her share if she passes sooner than what we're hoping for.
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