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I Believe My Brother's Rights As An Inmate Were Violated

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My younger brother is in a state prison. He got sentenced to 6 years for armed robbery. He is a small built (5'6" 130 pound) man in his twenties. We had a visit recently at the state prison and he told me something happened recently and I am certain this would be a violation of the prison rape elimination act (PREA). My brother got a discipline within the prison for being disruptive. The discipline was 30 hours of unpaid work. One of the guards I believe on either a second or third shift during the nighttime hours got my brother from the housing cell and escorted them to an area of the prison nobody else is in during night (the prison canteen area). The guard told them that since they need to be strip searched before leaving the area (I'm assuming because inmates can pocket or stuff canteen in their waistband and underwear) that since there are no cameras and no female staff or other inmates around to strip down naked and perform the cleaning of the area. The guard and my brother were there alone in the room for 2 hours and the guard had my brother take literally all of his clothes off including his socks, underwear and his religious necklace. The guard took all the clothing and put it in a closet and locked it and told my brother to go to work. My brother was given a broom, dust pan and a mob and some rags. The guard from what it sounds stood and watched my brother work literally naked for those 2 hours. My brother felt uncomfortable but did not raise a fuss because it was not like he knew this was going to happen beforehand or that he could just refuse and walk away.

The guard told my brother to get on his hands and knees and scrub parts of the floor and I'm thinking the guard is some kind of sick person who did not need to do this. I tried looking up the state prison rules and it does say strip searches can be done when workers are leaving the canteen or other areas. This was not a strip search. It was 2 hours of labor in a large room while being naked. I asked my brother if he thinks the guard is gay or bi and maybe got some kind of thing out of doing this and my brother said no the guard is straight for sure but still feels like his rights were violated. I asked my brother during our in person visit for the guard's name and what they look like and he said he does not know his name but he is about 6 feet tall and has military tattoos and a shaved head. This would fall under the part of PREA that states staff should not be viewing inmates of the same sex naked unless necessary. My brother admitted to about 4 months ago that he got caught by another guard steeling from the kitchen by stuffing food in his underwear. I explained that does not justify being treated like an animal. My brother could have easily kept his clothes on and if the guard was afraid of them pocketing canteen or whatever they could have strip searched them and examined the clothing. Having a person work butt naked for 2 hours is a violation of their rights. Should I contact the state prison headquarters or the DA or should I instead contact a private attorney? This is somewhat urgent because that guard said they will keep having them do this every other week until their 30 hours of unpaid labor is up. The guard probably could be sued for violating my brother's rights under PREA.

Here is something to look at for PREA:

submitted by /u/Legend27893
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