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I Am In Georgia. My Father's Will Was In His Safety Deposit Box.

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I was my father's conservator. I had tried to get access to the box to get his will and that was actually on the judges desk when he died. The judge decided the motion was no longer valid since my father had died.

My father had meant for myself, my half sister, and my son to inherit. He had not meant for his new wife to inherit. They had an agreement since they both own property and had kids.

He's stupidly made her joint owner of his safety deposit box. I can't get her to get the willl out. She seems to have dementia so I can't tell if this is just willful or what.

The lawyer that did his will only has 3 of 4 pages. My lawyer says that means it's not valid.

What on Earth can I do? My lawyer says that this means I am here at half and she inherits half. At least my half-sister and son out. He may have wanted his brother to inherit some too, I'm not sure.

My lawyer may be just wants to do the easy thing? I don't know.

submitted by /u/Mediocre_Law_4575
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