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Girlfriend's Ex Suing Her For Emotional Damages ($25k), First Lawyer Doesn't Properly Send General Denial, 2nd Lawyer Says To File Bankruptcy To Avoid Debtor's Exam Because It Would Be Cancelled, Now She Has A Contempt Of Court Hearing. (kansas City, Kans

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Long story short: my girlfriend's abusive ex (physical, mental, emotional, sexual) sued her recently for $25k when they had been broken up for 2 years. She did not do anything wrong and the first lawyer she hired through EAP, at her work, did a general denial for this frivolous case, but this lawyer did not send the general denial filing email to the right email address and the court case was proceeded with. So, now there came a debtor's exam because the ex was awarded the case, 2nd lawyer told her to file bankruptcy to avoid the debtor's exam and the $25k charge. My girlfriend then filed for bankruptcy with all proper documentation and filed on the 1st of November. The date of the debtor's exam, which the 2nd lawyer said was going to be cancelled due to the bankruptcy filing, happened and the ex showed up and filed that my girlfriend did not show up. Now there is a contempt of court hearing date set for mid December.

On top of all of this: the ex has shown up to her residency to vandalize her and her family's vehicles, last month, and this month a couple of weeks ago (was shown on camera this time which her family acquired due to the vandalization) he was shown on camera making death threats to her and furthermore trying to break into their residency. The ex shattered the front door's glass door and did more damage to the back door. She filed a police report but they have done nothing, so far. She also has a temporary restraining order against the ex due to the abuse, this court case, and the harassment (causing her to switch phone numbers), but somehow the police can't find the dude to serve him papers for a permanent restraining order.

We don't understand a multitude of things:

  1. How did the court case proceed with such little and frivolous evidence especially with the history of abuse.
  2. How is it that a simple email being sent to the wrong place removes the general denial when the 1st lawyer and herself showed up in person to general deny.
  3. How did the debtor's exam still occur when the 2nd lawyer said it would be cancelled if she filed bankruptcy.
  4. How is she in contempt of court when the ex had cussed her out during a court proceeding which from my research and what I'm aware of puts him in contempt of court.

Lastly, I did read the court case she was served and it was all a bunch of nonsense. The ex had a history of drug abuse and mental problems. In the court case it was claiming that she basically drained his money and emotionally abused him and hacked his phone (iPhone) after they had broken up. Is there anyway to just show up to the contempt of court hearing and explain everything to get this all reversed? Is this just a mistake on the court for the bankruptcy issue? It's all very confusing because she has done nothing wrong and does not deserve this to happen to her. Thank you in advance for any help on this matter.

submitted by /u/Accomplished_Team449
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