Framed For Cp Possession And Distribution

Hey all, this is my first post on here. I'll try to keep it short and sweet.
Towards the end of last month, the police showed up at our door with a search warrant. They pounded on the door, announcing that they were from the sheriff's office, and the moment my spouse opened the door, he was pulled out by the wrist and handcuffed. He is black so he knew how to respond: he asked what was happening, why are you here, what did I do wrong, and was ignored. The officer and a reinforcement entered, ushered me out with a small riot shield and pistol, and immediately handcuffed me, ushering us both in opposite directions.
For some reason, my partner was eventually approached by another officer that demanded he be put in double handcuffs and "held onto" for no reason at all. The officer supervising him put on the second pair, putting a third on his wrist and one of her wrists so he couldn't get away... as if he was trying to resist.
To summarize the search, we were pressed by the investigator to frame each other (with me being heavily pressured to accuse my partner in a way that he wasn't pressured about me, possibly because I'm white), and when that didn't pan out, our electronics were searched. They found nothing.
The warrant gave them permission to search electronics, paperwork, and images, referencing that electronics could wirelessly be utilized from anywhere in the house and that "forensic evidence" may be collected. They then proceeded to open every moving box, drawer, and cabinet in the house.
Most aggregiously, my partner and I were ignored when asking for a medical necessity. I told them my partner uses an inhaler for panic attack-induced asthma, and when he gestured to me that he needed it, the cop supervising me took a moment to answer before responding, "Well, he doesn't seem like he needs it, and if he really needs it then he'll ask her for it." He then proceeded to ask his officer for the inhaler, and not only did she ignore him, but she then spent the rest of the investigation belittling him and trying to obstruct his view of me so he'd get more anxious. Nobody tried to find the inhaler. Nobody notified the other six or eight officers that he was in need of his inhaler.
So, my first question is...
- Were our rights as suspects and citizens violated?
Now, onto our part of things. The search warrant accused us of the possession and distribution of CP. As I mentioned, none was found. When they were finishing up, they confiscated (in brown paper bags) at least two tablets, two phones, and (not in paper bags) two computer towers. They then threatened me with obstruction of justice charges if I was hiding devices, so I thought hard and remembered two more tablets. They could only find one. They left afterwards, with the main investigator saying "it's fine (that we didn't find the other one)." They only inventoried two phones, two tablets, and two towers, though.
- Did this set me up for further complications (potential extra charges, difficulty getting my devices back, etc.)?
We're now looking for a criminal attorney for negotiations and to defend us. We're having difficulty finding one who will take dual defendants accused of distributing CP, despite the fact that there is no CP in the first place. We were thinking of contacting a public defender to investigate and bundle up the case before hiring a private attorney (or two, if need be) to be our official liason and defender.
- Is going to the public defender first the right move? Should I bother finding us both separate attorneys, or would it be about as easy and as helpful as finding one who will fight for both of us? I'm not going to convict my spouse - he did nothing wrong - so I don't care about being represented separately.
Another complicating factor is that we're moving to another state.
- Should we seek legal assistance from those who serve the county we were framed in, or from the county we're moving to?
Thank you all in advance for your advice!
Sincerely, Defendant #2
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