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Drunk Customer Got Injured When I Kicked Him Out Of Bar, And Now The Bar Is Saying I’m On My Own. What To Do?

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Back in December 2021, I worked as a bouncer at a high volume bar in Texas. We have a third party armed security company that works the perimeter of the bar. Inside I noticed that there was a highly intoxicated customer who was getting agitated with the bartender, yelling and then began to reach over the bar to try and hit the bartender. I quickly ran over, bear hugged him and walked him out of the bar. I’m 6’5” and he was 5’6” so I had him in the air. Once I got him outside the door, I tried setting him down, he tried breaking loose, and in doing so he fell backwards and landed on his head pretty hard to the point of blood coming out of his ears. EMS and police were immediately called, he survived thankfully but they still rushed him to the hospital. Police got statements, so the security footage, and decided there was no criminal negligence and no criminal charges were pressed. A few months later I quit the bar due to other nonsense. Now, in November 2023, I get paperwork for being sued. The guy I kicked out hired a lawyer and is now trying to everyone involved. In the suit, has the security company, the bar, and myself listed. The lawyer is trying to go after the bar and security company obviously because they’re the ones with the money, but now the bar’s lawyers are trying to say I don’t work for them. I got hired on through the bar. They have me as a 1099 employee. I get paid by check from the bar nightly. I wear an employee bar staff shirt. I don’t know what to do because I know they’re trying to throw me under the bus with all, I don’t have much money to get myself a lawyer, as I’m pretty much a stay at home dad working part time with a four month old and a three year old. Any help would be appreciated.

TL;DR: I kicked out a drunk customer from bar. The customers got hurt, and is trying to sue the bar and me for damages. The bar isn’t going to help me and is trying to put all the blame on me. Need help.

submitted by /u/black__dawn
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