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Daughters Gymnastics Company Is Threatening To Sue Me For Not Paying For A Class I Did Not Sign Up For

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Last month I witnessed a coach berating my daughter, far beyond necessary, at her gymnastics practice. On the drive home she asked to never go back. We went to one more class so she could say goodbye to her friends and I gave them notice.

Team sessions are year long but end in May with the next level starting in June. There is a policy that you must cancel by the 1st of the month before you want to quit. I was aware of this policy but had not signed up for the next session for either of my children (my son also goes there but isn’t on the team.) So all the classes I signed up for ended in May.

They told me I had to pay for June and I pointed out I had never enrolled in the June class and did not wish to enroll in it. I also blocked charges through my bank when they argued.

They went into my account and added the next class (there is no notice anywhere they will do this.) they are now threatening to sue me for not paying for the class they added to my schedule after my withdrawal notice.

Is there a case there?

Just for reference the coach is the owners daughter and we are not the first family to pull our child because of her behavior. However more families did leave because her team reached out to see why she wasn’t there and I let them know what happened. I believe this is why they are retaliating against me because almost her entire team is gone due to the previous incident and this one.

I do not have proof she wasn’t in the class prior because they blocked me from the parent portal, however I do have emails where I told them not to sign me up for the class.

submitted by /u/SeaandFlame
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