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Can A Company Send Me Unsolicited Items Them Force Me To Pay Them When I Don't Send It Back?

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For Christmas last year I signed up my wife (at her request) for this afghan of the month club thing, where they send you a kit to knit part of an afghan every month. They were having a special on their Christmas afghan and she thought it would be neat to have spent they year making one.

Unfortunately, she just hasn't had the time and 90% of the packages remain unopened. No big deal, she'll get to them someday.

It's on an automatic payment, but I still receive a bill every month. I just toss these as they are not important to me. A couple weeks ago I get one that has red markings all over it, and say to open immediately. It is a "Second Notification" of a past due bill. This is how it starts:

"Way back in June 21, 2024, we sent you product as part of the membership you ordered for CAB Cro Afg Christmas Candy. We didn't ask for any money up front, because we like to give folks a chance to take a closer look before they decide to buy. "

So what I get from that is they sent me something I didn't ask for. I'm guessing they wanted us to either fork over the money or return it if we didn't like it. We, on the other hand, probably assumed it was another knitting kit . To be perfectly honest, all the kits are not located in the same location; it could be anywhere, I have no idea and do not ever remember seeing any package that looks different from another.

The entire middle section of the letter is a sob story about how "after many invoices" they have not heard from me (Again, this is notified on the header as the SECOND ONE), and how they know I'm a good person and it must have just slipped my mind, blah, blah, blah.

But it ends like this:

"If I don't get a payment or explanation soon, there's nothing I can do to avoid a black mark on your payment record with us."

It does not say anything about sending me to collections, which I would expect if they had a legal right to receive payment from me. There is no invoice number, notice number, billing number, document number, no invoice date, due date (the top of the paper says "Final Deadline: NOW!"), or anything to make this look like something they can go take to a lawyer and say so-and-so didn't pay this invoice number dated on this date. The only date is in the first paragraph mentioned above.

There is also no online payment portal or phone number to call, just a stub, like in the older days that says Make Checks Payable To: and a section for CC info. The return address on the envelope is the same as on the company's website.

I feel they just sent a product unsolicited, and if they make vague threats, that most people will just pay, but have no legal recourse to force me to do so. An I wrong?

submitted by /u/mark-spline
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