Bf's Ex Will Not Take Kiddo On Her Days, Usually With Little Or No Notice On Day Of. Split Custody. What Can We Do To Enforce Schedule? (wi)

Bf and his ex have split custody of their 14 yo, they switch off every other week per the court. The issue is his ex constantly cancels last minute on her days saying she can't get kiddo for x,y,z reasons. We calculated the days and bf has taken kiddo 7 weeks total in 2024 on her scheduled days. She will miss full weeks at a time.
We talked to his original attorney who said we don't have enough proof for going full custody (fine we get that) buy attorney says not much we can do.
We are looking at another attorney because how does this not fall under contempt of court for her not following the court ordered schedule? We are looking at motion for parenting time assistance to atleast get a mediator assigned by the court. We want to hold her accountable for missing her days, or get full custody with bf granting time to ex whenever kiddo wants to see her (or specifically ex wants to see kiddo).
To add some clarifying information.
For 2024 breakdown it should be approx. 80 days between them. Right now it's bf at 130 days and ex at 30 days.
It's hard telling kiddo day after day their mom isn't getting them.
We don't have family nearby so when we notify her on Mon/Tue we will be out of town that weekend she doesn't reply and doesn't pick up kiddo that week so we either have to cancel plans or scramble to ask in laws (which we hate doing last minute) and often they are busy.
Ex is required to get kiddo after school/ practice but will notify bf at 3 p.m./ 4p.m. she can't get kiddo so we have to scramble from work to get kiddo while they wait at school.
They have been divorced 7 years. She refused child support for the eldest (over 18 so irrelevant to current situation) but she kicked out eldest at 16 so bf had full custody. Ex refused to pay child support so they garnish her payments for back child support, medical bills for eldest during that time period, and child support for current kiddo.
Judge required in 2023 to cover half of all medical bills ongoing for 14 y.o. kiddo had minor surgery in February. Bf covered it and submitted medical expense for her half and ex refused to pay - another thing we will bring to a lawyer.
We have 4+ years of examples of her ditching kiddo on her days, including holidays and birthdays.
We are just tired of her never facing consequences for abandoning kiddo.
And before you ask, no I am not an AP. We met as he was going through divorce already.
Do we have any other recourse?
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