Being Left Out Of A Negligence Death From Work Accident Settlement By Siblings

Hello I am (24F) with an other brother (27YO) and 3 younger siblings- (18YO), (6YO), and (10YO). All different mothers Backstory- my father was apart of my life most of my childhood but around 12 years old my dad was caught up in unpaid child support for me and my two brothers at the time. Somehow there was a court agreement allowing him to give up his rights towards me and my two brothers so he wouldn’t have to pay child support anymore. After he surrendered his rights, he moved to South Korea and had 2 more boys with his 4th wife (divorced before my father’s passing). My mom was married at the time of my father giving up his rights, my mom’s husband at the time adopted me who I no longer have any contact with due to personal reasons. Right before my father moved to South Korea, he started multiple fights with both sides of my family including me at 15. He said a lot of hurtful things to me as a 15 year old girl. Stating I was going to be a lesbian softball coach, just weird things like that. 3 years ago my father passed from an unfortunate work accident while loading pallets into a semi truck. Very graphic death. I haven’t been in contact with him since I was 15 due to him wanting to be a father when it was convenient for him. I gave him chance after chance until I was hopeless thinking I was never going to have an actual stable father figure. He tried to “make things right” towards the ending of his life. He would continuously make promises he couldn’t keep. He would try to make plans that always fell through. Although it seemed like he had all the time for my brothers.. that’s how my perspective was and it hurt. Now there’s a 9 MIL settlement from the accident and it’s being split between all of the sons. It seems like they are purposely leaving me out of the settlement because I haven’t been in contact with that side of the family because my eldest brother SA me as a young child. I’ve felt pressured to “forgive” all my life to my dad’s side of the family without any sense of security felt by them besides betrayal.My cousin recently reached out to me informing me about this settlement that I’m just hearing about. She told me to find a lawyer to get my portion because shes thinking I’m just as entitled because I am the only sibling with a child (1yrF) while the father is not in the picture due to DV. I was informed by an attorney 3 years ago from a settlement company asking if I’m the daughter, but I was told that I wouldn’t receive money because I was adopted. That wasn’t my choice entirely, I was a child. I’m still his bio daughter, I was abandoned by my father. I didn’t abandon him… Im going to reach out to a lawyer asap. I’m not asking for much compared to what my other siblings are going to receive from this settlement. My younger siblings are technically going to be millionaires , and it doesn’t sit right with me that I’m left in the dark because I haven’t been in contact with my eldest brother due to him mistreating me as a young child. I slightly feel manipulated.. am I wrong for thinking this way?
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