Am I Responsible For Letting My Daughters Father Know When There Is A Fundraiser At School?

background: my daughters father and I were never married. We do not have a custody agreement and we have not been together for 6 years. He recently moved to our state where my daughters ( F9 and F8) and I reside and now wants to be involved with all the school functions. He has been in a recovery facility for 3 months and recently moved into transitional housing where he has more freedom to be out during the night. I advised him to call the school and add the application called parent square where all of the school/teacher announcements are located before this incident. He has not done so. He got upset with me because I did not inform him of a fundraiser night for the school where I took the kids to the skating rink. Is it my responsibility to tell him when there are school functions? I have a feeling if we do end up going to court he is going to use this one against me. What responses do I have to keep this from becoming an issue?
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