Am Curious If This Is A Hipaa Violation, And If Yes, What Can I Do About It?

I had surgery last Tuesday, and while it was supposed to be an outpatient procedure, the damage was more extensive than originally thought, so I ended up inpatient.
On Wednesday, a woundcare technician/nurse came in, removed the surgery dressing, and applied the wound-vac dressing. He took a picture of the wound before he put the wound vac dressing on, and I had my husband take a picture of it as well with my phone, so I could see how extensive it was. We were the only 3 people in the room at that time.
On Thursday, the wound care doctor came in, and he asked how extensive it was, and the nurse who was caring for me that day was not my nurse from the previous day. I told the wound care doctor that I had a picture of it on my phone, to which the nurse for that day told him she had a picture of it on her phone, and led him to the nurses station to show him.
Pictures of my left breast after nodule removal, and the extensive damage after the surgery is something that I do not feel belongs on anyone's personal device, other than my own, unless I choose to share it with someone. And I did not share it with her.
Now I don't know if this has made it through someone's social media rounds or what, and honestly, I am beyond livid.
Would this be considered a HIPAA violation, and what can I do about it?
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