Almost Died By Someone On Drugs Running Red Light And T-boning Me. No Major Injuries But Car Is Totaled. How To Make Sure My Car Damages Are Paid For?

Im in California, accident happened near Huntington Beach. It’s my first time dealing with a major car accident and my American family members won’t help me because in their eyes I’ve made a mistake.
However I was not at fault, I was going through a green light at night, when someone driving really fast hit me from my left. It happened so fast I didn’t see where he came from, but witnesses said he was making a left from my opposite direction, essentially running the red light.
I was so lucky that the car missed by a couple feet so the front of my car sustained all the damage despite him coming from my left. I only have internal bleeding bruising I think, I haven’t gone to urgent care as people around me say I don’t need to.
The driver who hit me passed the breathalyzer but not the other tests, so they suspected him of being on drugs and arrested him. The police gave me a report number. He is only 21 and plays sports at a nearby college, so I worry he won’t be able to pay for my car.
I was driving my sister’s car but our insurances are both under my dad. I haven’t been able to call the insurance yet because they’re closed today.
What do I need to do to make sure I get my sister’s car fixed? Or that I get the money to fix the car?
I have no one in my life to guide me so I’m feeling really lost. My older sister hasn’t been through anything like this so she can’t help me.
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