12 Year Old Arrested For Making A Joke About School Shootings

My 12 year old and his friend were joking in class and one-upping each other. "I'll steal a car" "I'll rob a bank", that kind of stupid stuff. They kept upping the ante until My son said "I'll shoot at the school!".
The school has a zero tolerance policy on talking about, joking, or obviously threatening school violence. The signed witness statement from the school does say that the boys were joking (obviously inappropriately) and he has zero access to any firearms.
He was expelled (reasonable), arrested, spent a night in Juvenile detention, and is being charged with a class 6 Felony (in Arizona).
I guess I'm just looking for feedback from someone with more experience with the legal system (because I have zero, I never got in trouble for anything). What are the odds that they are going to throw the book at him and set an example. I was told he could be facing being in Juvie until his 18th birthday! That seems crazy for 2 dumb kids saying dumb things.
I'm scared shitless that he will have a felony on his record and I will lose my son for the rest of his childhood over this.
I also don't know if I should seek an attorney or just go with what the state provided. I feel so lost.
Edited to add: My son is also neurodivergent and on a 504 plan. I don't know if that makes things any different, but blurting things out is a common thing for him, then add Tourette's on top of that.
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