Psa… Developer Harassment

Post on May 6th by John J. | Post 2. | Post 3.
Recently a Swtor Dev was harassed for a post on the forums, but to go to the degree of harassing ones family. Unacceptable, many players of Swtor will agree that this should never happen in any way, shape or form. It brings to light that these particular people don’t understand the particulars of communicating on a mature level. It’s shameful. And it affects the entire way we wanted Bioware to be more transparent on communicating with us, the player base.
For us players this is a game, a form of entertainment, a way to relax and have fun with friends. It’s NOT fun to affect a person who is doing their job and/or their family simply because one doesn’t like ‘X, Y, and Z’.
For example: Many of the healers were not happy with the proposed changes for 3.2.1. The Dev team asked for the opinions and feedback in regards to these changes. A majority of players presented a thoughtful and constructive point of views about these changes. And the changes for healers were reevaluated and pulled from 3.2.1.
Now, ofcourse this type of behavior upsets me simply because I feel that NO ONE should ever experience this type of situation.
Posted on May 7th by Eric Musco.
No one has the right to harass a person and/or their family. All the best to John and his family.