A Bump In The Road With The Silent Treatment

I thought that I would mention that right now going on in SWTOR that unlocking outfits in collections are HALF OFF!!!! For a limited time ONLY!
It was brought up to my attention on Twitter that why hadn’t Bioware announced it? And excellent question, perhaps maybe some sort of backlash from the harassment of one of the Devs? Speculation may arise from the community in regards to further communications from Bioware to the community. It’s sad in a way that a few bad apples ruins the bunch. The behavior of a few does not reflect the whole community. But what can we as the community do to gain the trust back from Bioware to make these small announcements?
Could this be the beginning of what we as the community struggled to get from Bioware? I know personally I don’t want Bioware to turn their backs to the community. It really seemed that we as in Bioware and the community were moving in the right direction and now we’re being put in the corner to think about we’ve done. People need to be respectful, being behind a computer doesn’t give one the right to just say anything that you want regardless of how it will affect the person. A silent treatment is toxic to a relationship.
Your rights end where others rights begins. Food for thought.
Stay tuned to The Balance Force.