The Big Questions with Big John is an interview show where our own Big John gets to have conversations with interesting people from all walks of life.
In this episode, Big John is joined by Mike ter Maat, a candidate for the 2024 Presidential nominee of the Libertarian Party. Also, this in-depth interview allows viewers to understand ter Maat’s policy proposals, a bit of his history, and perhaps even his character.
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00:00 Opening
02:30 MIke and Big John have been around the same blocks
04:00 Becoming a rookie cop… at 49!
07:50 Policing means protecting people’s rights
11:00 Liability and accountability for cops
14:00 Libertarians are the philosophical descendants of the Founders
19:00 Politics must be downstream of principles; George Santos vs. AOC
23:45 Delivering the unfiltered Libertarian message– while not being demeaning
26:00 The missed messaging opportunity during the COVID Pandemic
34:00 Consequently, the Duopoly is only interested in keeping the other party out of power
37:00 What happened to free speech?
40:00 Consequently, the dichotomy of Section 230
42:45 Mike’s plank for 2024: the Gold New Deal
44:45 Decentralization of federal authority: let’s re-pass the 10th Amendment.. and MEAN it this time!
51:15 Preserving personal and corporate autonomy
56:15 Mike recoils at the thought of Government solving problems via criminalization
1:00:00 Limiting federal expenditure
1:04:00 Ending mandatory investments
1:05:00 Ending the Fed
1:08:30 Also, moving to a rules-based monetary system
1:12:15 Reforming/Eliminating public education
1:21:15 Police reform through accountability
1:27:00 All military actions should require states’ approval
1:28:45 Indeed, are term limits truly a libertarian position?
1:32:00 Silly Questions