I Tried The Oura And Ringconn Smart Rings—here Are My Thoughts

Scouted/The Daily Beast/Oura Ring/RingConn.
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I’ve been using my Oura Ring for almost two years now, and it’s one of my favorite health and wellness purchases to date. I can’t really get on board with a bulky smartwatch, so the sleek and metallic-gold Oura Ring fits the bill when it comes to reliably tracking and evaluating my sleep, temperature, activity, pulse, and more without looking obnoxious on my wrist. Plus, according to some experts, opting for a smart ring worn tightly on the finger may yield more accurate health results (especially in the cardiovascular department) compared to other health wearables like smartwatches, because of its placement closer to the skin and arteries.
“The [Oura] ring’s form factor was chosen because the finger provides a stronger heart rate signal than any other place on the body. The ring takes bio-measurements directly from the arteries in the finger whereas smartwatches (or wrist wearables) sit on the top of the wrist, farther away from the arteries that are on the bottom of the wrist,” Karina Kogan, Chief Marketing Officer at Oura, previously told The Daily Beast.