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Ama: Do Low-carbers Need Less Vitmain C? Does Omega-3 Supplementation Actually Benefit Us? & More (snp 27)

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Questions Answered in This Episode:

  1. [01:22] Do “low-carbers” need less vitamin C?
  2. [14.56] If you were to advise a company to establish solid workplace health fundamentals, what would you tell them?
  3. [26.20] Which compounds typically found in animal products would be interesting to supplement for health and performance purposes in vegan/vegetarian populations?
  4. [40.09] In omega 3 supplementation studies it isn’t common to see a baseline measurement of omega 3 index. Why?
  5. [44.10] What is your process for preparing for a podcast and choosing topics?
  6. [49.53] Based on the current understanding, what is the most ideal diet for people to eat?
  7. [55.26] Is there any evidence that otherwise healthy people should be consuming Omega 3 supplements?

This is a preview of is one of our Premium-exclusive AMA (ask me anything) episodes, where we answer questions submitted by Premium subscribers.

To listen to the full episode, you’ll need to be a Premium subscriber and access the episode on the private Premium feed.

